When Should You Be Screened for Each Kind of Cancer?

When Should You Be Screened for Each Kind of Cancer?

Cancer screenings should be a regular part of everyone’s health routine. If people don’t go to the doctor regularly, however, they may be unsure of the right time to get screened for different types of cancers. This guide will advise you about the right times to begin...
How Do We Handle Medical Waste

How Do We Handle Medical Waste

As humans, we tend to dispose of goods and services once we find little use for them. In the medical industry, the story is a little different. Objects like needles and gloves must be disposed of after use. To protect the safety of all patients, these items are...

How To Strengthen Your Immune System

Your immune system is critical to your body developing antibodies to fight off viruses, infections, and harmful bacteria. Typically, your immune system weakens as you age. The cells that fight off antibodies take longer to decode unknown antigens in the body and...
How Sugar Affects Cholesterol And The Heart

How Sugar Affects Cholesterol And The Heart

It’s been well-documented that sugar has an adverse effect on our bodies. A higher consumption than is recommended for sugar results in spiked blood sugar levels along with decreased energy and a higher risk of diabetes. Recently, a study found that adults who consume...
How US Healthcare Will Change From Covid19

How US Healthcare Will Change From Covid19

The US healthcare system has been tested over the past several weeks due to the coronavirus outbreak. All individuals are praising healthcare workers for the sacrifices they are making to save American lives. Makeshift hospitals are being built in convention centers...